Sabtu, 27 Mei 2017

Quality Isokinator Classic, Mobile Fitness Machine Made by Gert F. Koelbel

Do you understand how and exactly where it is possible to locate the best Isokinator Classic, Mobile Fitness Machine Made by Gert F. Koelbel in the current market? When you haven’t then that you are a lot more than welcomed to take a look at our website and find out some tips and recommendations to seek out the right Isokinator Classic, Mobile Fitness Machine Made by Gert F. Koelbel that suit your demands and spending budget. We have been here to supply you updated information and perception about Isokinator Classic, Mobile Fitness Machine Made by Gert F. Koelbel products to the current market.

Study its total review to get the information at here

Isokinator Classic, Mobile Fitness Machine Made by Gert F. Koelbel

Isokinator Classic, Mobile Fitness Machine Made by Gert F. Koelbel Detail Features and Description :


  • a compact, mobile fitness device developed by Koelbel training research which comes with a precise training manual in print form, on DVD and as an app.
  • uses only the best materials - stainless steel and aerospace aluminum; even partly gold-plated; waterproof!
  • infinitely variable resistances from 0-90 kilos; suitable for beginners and advanced users; features 7 basic exercises and 28 alternative pull and press exercises
  • a professional training concept for fast, visible and measurable muscle-building results and targeted body shaping (for men and women of all ages); includes cardio training!
  • Made in Germany! As stable as an anvil; comes with a 20-year full guarantee by the manufacturer with "no ifs or buts"!


More muscles, more strength, more stamina

A short but highly intense workout routine

Only 7 exercises in 23 minutes of training every other day suffice. You can see and feel an athletic physique emerge. Scientifically proven: after 36 training sessions, the Isokinator distributes an average 38-cm increase in muscle mass to arms, legs, torso, back and shoulders.

Strength training anywhere, anytime

With a weight of 400 grams, the Isokinator is your mobile companion

Product Detail Click Here

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List Price: £159.00

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