Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

Sale Bosu® Balance Trainer - Home Model

Do you understand how and the place you are able to find the perfect Bosu® Balance Trainer - Home Model from the current market? In case you haven’t then you're over welcomed to visit our site and study some tips and strategies to search out the proper Bosu® Balance Trainer - Home Model that go well with your requirements and funds. We are right here to supply you up to date details and insight about Bosu® Balance Trainer - Home Model goods about the current market.

Go through its total review so you can get the details at right here

Bosu® Balance Trainer - Home Model

Bosu® Balance Trainer - Home Model Detail Features and Description :


  • The original Bosu Trainer for core strength and stability.
  • Easy and quick to get set up and start using
  • DVD and pump included
  • Extremely versatile piece of equipment
  • Heavy duty thick rubber and strong solid plastic/metal parts


The BOSU Integrated Balance Trainer is a truly unique balance, core stability and proprioception training device that can be integrated with all types of fitness training, or stand alone as an outstanding functional tool.

The BOSU can be used for or with: Sports Conditioning (both aerobic & anaerobic) - Stabilization, Agility Training - Strength, Stability & Flexibility Training for the Trunk - Strength for the Entire Body.

Maximum loading for a BOSU Balance Trainer is 300lb (136kg).


Product Detail Click Here

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List Price: £129.99

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