Sabtu, 18 Maret 2017

The Best Price From Beyondfashion 2x Dumbbell Set Weights Dumbells Training Gym Workout Fitness Home Muscle Bodybuilding 30KG

Do you already know how and in which you may locate the best Beyondfashion 2x Dumbbell Set Weights Dumbells Training Gym Workout Fitness Home Muscle Bodybuilding 30KG from the current market? In the event you haven’t then you're in excess of welcomed to visit our website and study some tips and recommendations to search out the correct Beyondfashion 2x Dumbbell Set Weights Dumbells Training Gym Workout Fitness Home Muscle Bodybuilding 30KG that suit your needs and price range. We are here to provide you updated details and insight about Beyondfashion 2x Dumbbell Set Weights Dumbells Training Gym Workout Fitness Home Muscle Bodybuilding 30KG merchandise within the current market.

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Beyondfashion 2x Dumbbell Set Weights Dumbells Training Gym Workout Fitness Home Muscle Bodybuilding 30KG

Beyondfashion 2x Dumbbell Set Weights Dumbells Training Gym Workout Fitness Home Muscle Bodybuilding 30KG Detail Features and Description :


  • 2 x Non slip solid grip bar
  • Grips on the bar have a non-slip design
  • Great quality made from rubber
  • Good quality solid chrome finish bar and collars
  • 30KG dumbbell set


Good quality solid chrome finish bar and collars
2 x Non slip solid grip bar
4 x solid spinlock collars (comes in a pair) to ensure weights remain securely on the bar
Grips on the bar have a non-slip design
Dumbbells are covered with a durable, floor friendly plastic covering.
Great quality made from rubber
30KG dumbbell set
4 x Synthetic Bar Weights 2.5kg = 10kg
4 x Synthetic Bar Weights 2kg =8kg
4 x Synthetic Bar Weights 1. 5kg =6k

Product Detail Click Here

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List Price: £24.99

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